Monday, June 16, 2008


Today was the first day of our ESY Program. I really don't know my audience just yet, but to catch you up to speed, I am the head director of the ESY program and have spent MONTHS in preparation for this day (with the help of my ESY committee).

I started off at the Elementary campus (3 year olds through incoming 4th graders) and saw some new faces among the group of what will be up to 35 kiddos - WOW!!!. They will all come through my doors at OW sooner or later because we hold all the programs and know all (or most) the kiddos becuase of Little Cooks Cafe.

Then, I went to the High School campus (incoming 5th graders through 22 year olds) and saw all MY kids. Seriously, all but 5 of the 20 kids have come through my room either as my kid or as my shared co-teach kid. It is crazy to think, but this will start my 10th year to teach... YIKES!!!! I should have written a book!!!

I, of course, took TONS of fun pictures to post on the website and share with you guys too. However, I can't put all of them up yet because I have to wait on parent permission.

The good news is that I can share one event with you because I know Garrett's parents are cool with the internet:)

For starters, it was Garrett's 12th birthday today. The kids sang Happy Birthday to him and then EVERYONE got YUMMY cupcakes that his mom and dad sent.

Everyone really enjoyed them... especially Garrett:):)

Seriously shocked he didn't dive face first into the cupcake... To ensure cleanliness, since we his next move was to go home on the bus in about 10 minutes, Ms. Keisha helped G eat his cupcake:):)




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On behalf of Garrett I want to say you are the BEST BEST teacher ever!!!! Our family is truely blessed to have you!